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About Us

"Built Right"

PT. SPK is a vehicle consisting of skilled construction artisans dedicated to providing clients with the highest calibre of workmanship.


We covet witnessing a step-up in our local industry standards where optimum quality, safety, and longevity of the buildings can be achieved.


Modern Building

Our Story

The birth of PT. SPK was originally conceived in Sydney, Australia. Our Director Onesiforus Elihu Susanto is Australia's Certified Contractor/Builder and graduated from The University of New South Wales with a Bachelor degree in Construction Management and Property. He then continued his postgraduate study at The University of Sydney.


Equipped with experience in wide-range of construction works and projects in Australia, he collaborated with Our Commissioner Sugandi Susanto - who has over 40 years of local construction experience, years back, to initiate the commencement of this project.


Both have A collective vision.

Raising the bar on Indonesia's construction output.


Both have continuously been working on ways to introduce, innovate, and implement proper construction methods and techniques within the market.



Meet The Team

Legal & Certification

1. Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) Konstruksi Kelas Menengah (M)

2. Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) Mekanikal Elektrikal Kelas Menegah (M)

3. New South Wales (NSW) Australia Contractor Licence

4. UNSW Built Environment Graduate

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Our Clients

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